Friday, November 28, 2014

The mystery finally begins today.

The first clue to the mystery was posted this morning and over 30,000 quilters are planning to do this quilt. Wonderful fabric color selections should yield great quilts. I am planning on using scraps except for the constant yellow. I began finding my aqua's and pinks to begin HST units. I am doing this in between preparing a traveling Thanksgiving dinner for tomorrow at mom and dad's. Bager Basketball is also on TV. So we will see how far we get. Trying to exercise between major steps as well. So cutting was done and rode 5 miles on the stationary bike. Running upstairs and downstairs while preparing the meal for tomorrow also counts. Great pictures already of fellow quilters showing their progress. I will try to take my time concentrating on proper seam allowances and trimming the squares prior to next steps. Also sitting on the ball while sewing. So here is the progress so far. Tomorrow will be a travel and visiting day but I have taken Monday off to catch up. So far so major mistakes.
Sewing area this year is downstairs with more room...but it will be cooler.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

So much excitement...

So I wonder if the beginning will be a bit early as Thanksgiving is so late this year??? Lots of great chatter on facebook and wonderful alternative color schemes.
I plan to stay with scraps..except for the main yellow color. I never have found a few more turquoise fabrics hidden.
All the rave are the pain chips to pull fabric from.
This one even includes the yardage.